Vegetarian Food Fair ~ Toronto ~ FREE ADMISSION!

Regarded as the largest event of its kind in North America, the Annual Vegetarian Food Fair gives you an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy a diverse cross-section of vegetarian cuisine. Discover new products and ideas from more than 100 exhibitors and enjoy a wide variety of presentations and cooking demos.

Not a vegetarian? Whether you're looking for new ideas to add colour and variety to your meals or you're a seasoned vegetarian interested in expanding your knowledge of nutritious and ethical foods, this is the place for you.

Friday September 10 from 4 pm - 9 pm
Saturday September 11 from 12 pm - 9 pm
Sunday September 12 from 12 pm - 7 pm


Harbourfront Centre
235 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON
M5J 2G8

An example of the great line up:

Friday September 10th

5:00pm Brendan Brazier - "Boost Athletic Performance on a Plant-Based Diet"
Professional Ironman Triathlete and plant-based nutrition expert, Brendan Brazier shares how to boost athletic performance by means of stress-busting plant-based whole foods. Brendan’s talk will be based on his latest title,
Thrive Fitness: Mental and Physical Strength for Life. Don’t miss Brendan’s groundbreaking approach to fitness and how you can gain maximum results in minimal time!

Saturday September 11th

12:00pm Meghan Telpner - "Making Love In The Kitchen with Meghan: Doing It Veggie Style"

With humour Nutritionist and Chief Love Maker of The Love In The Kitchen Academy, Meghan will demo how deliciously easy it is to make staple vegetarian foods from scratch including bean dips, crackers, milk subs, cereals/bars, smoothies and of course sweet treats. As we transition towards a more plant based, compassionately minded way of eating, we often start to look for ways to do so with less impact on the environment while maximizing the positive impact on our health. Do it Veggie Style With Compassion.

Sunday September 12th

12:00pm The Nia Technique

 Nia is a personal growth, body-mind-spirit fitness program. It is a "living system" that works with the natural wisdom and intelligence of the body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

Nia supports the Pleasure Principle: If it feels good keep doing it, if it hurts, stop! The blueprint of Nia is practical, experiential, and focuses on internal guidance to change and develop awareness. Process-oriented, the Nia format is user-friendly.

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